Friday, June 18, 2010

Sleep for Spring Quarter Sophomore Year

In the middle of Winter quarter this academic year I started recording my sleep. Here are two graphs and some data:
  • Average sleep time: 3:24.45
  • Average sleep length: 6 hours, 45.6144 minutes
  • Total sleep debt: 101 hours, 40 minutes
  • Time spent asleep: 554 hours, 20.4 minutes
  • % of time spent asleep: 28.1677%
(all-nighters are treated as sleeping at 24:00 for 0 minutes for calculation purposes)
The graphs are too large to fit nicely on a post, so here are the two URLs:

I'm hoping to keep a better schedule next quarter. Anyways, this quarter is way better than last quarter, when I pulled 7 or 8 all-nighters. Oh, well. That's what being a college student is like.

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