Thursday, June 17, 2010


With the World Cup going on and all, there's naturally a lot of vuvuzela-blowing going on. Vuvuzelas, in case you don't know, are these long plastic horn-like instruments that produce a most wonderful loud sound. They're common at rugby and soccer games back in SA.

If you've ever played Legend of Zelda, another cool puzzle video game, you'll find this funny.

For those with CS interest, here's how you can selectively mute out the vuvuzela sound through equalizers (though I don't know why you would ever want to do that) .

Here's some information on how they work and why they're "annoying:"

And last, but not least, Vuvuzela Hero! I would totally play this all day. This reminds me of a discussion with some friends earlier this academic year; we were hoping someone would someday make Orchestra Hero or Harpsichord Hero.

1 comment:

  1. Harpsichord Hero!

    They should make Bagpipe Hero. I think it would be brilliant.
