Monday, September 6, 2010

[iso2014questions] Like Minded Christians Unite

A friend of mine and I are co-ordinating this year's International Student Orientation (ISO) at Stanford. There's an e-mail address posted on the ISO website for incoming freshmen to send questions, which are usually about things like visas or double-checking they've signed up and so on. One day we got a rather different e-mail, from someone who hadn't signed up, with the subject line "Like Minded Christians Unite." Here's the e-mail (quoted verbatim except for e-mail addresses, which are taken out):

From: Scott Bland
Date: July 10, 2010 12:46:09 PM GMT+08:00
Subject: [iso2014questions] Like Minded Christians Unite

Hello My name is Scott.  I live in Lima, Ohio.  This is a ONE TIME Mailing to simply share with you about a NEW program within the United States that is offering to TOTALLY ELIMINATE grocery bills!

I am in search for like-minded people that can see the opportunity within this NEW nationwide program that is helping to feed those in need.  I believe we are to help one another to help one another.  Please read this email in its entirety, because it could possibly change your life as it did mine.

8 out of 10 who see this will think this is just another scam and click out.  So many are skeptical and I WAS the same way.  However, I am so glad that I was 1 of the 2 who believed that maybe this could be real, and I JOINED! I need open minded people that can see what this business can offer to you and others.  It is STILL very possible to be involved in a legit online business.

How many do you know that eats on a daily basis!?  EVERYONE right?  You think these people would like some free groceries?  How many do you know that would like to make more money as they share this concept with others?  YOU!?  ME!?  

Most ads I see promise huge incomes fast and easy and they always tempt me and seem to good to be true and then there's always a catch.  With what I am about to share with you, there is NO catch.  It is exactly as it says it is.

Can You Really Eliminate Your Grocery Bill? I am here to tell you the facts about “MPB Today”, and What this recent “buzz” is all about. MPB Today is a wholesale grocery business that started in 2006. About 2 years ago they set up a website to sell groceries online at full retail price and began offering home delivery. In Early June, 2010, they decided to expand their services to other states, by opening their network marketing division and began selling $200 grocery vouchers for $200, that can be used to purchase groceries from their Florida store. You can immediately use your $200 Grocery Voucher to pay for groceries any time from the company’s fulfillment center in Florida, but if you pay a $10 annual admin fee you can participate in their INCREDIBLY LUCRATIVE Compensation Plan. 

If you Refer Just two Customers to “MPB Today” who both refer two customers, you will “cycle”, AND you will receive a compensation. Once this happens, you can order groceries through MPB Today’s grocery delivery service and the company will pay for shipping and handling, OR you can trade your grocery certificate for a $200 Walmart Gift Card PLUS you will receive $300. You will also receive ANOTHER $200 grocery voucher to start a NEW business center so you can cycle again and AGAIN!

This type of compensation plan is referred to as a “2 x 2 Follow Me Center”. You’ll only pay $200 one time for your FIRST grocery voucher, BUT you can get paid over and over and over again AND that $200 is ALL product, so it really is FREE to join!

Here are the some Key Summary Points of How This Works:

1. You pay $200 one time for a $200 grocery voucher, plus a $10 annual administration fee for your website. 

2. You can immediately use your $200 grocery voucher to buy groceries online from a fulfillment center in Florida. If you use your voucher immediately you’ll have to pay for shipping… BUT if you wait until after your first pay cycle to use your voucher you will NOT have to pay for shipping and handling.

3. You Refer Just 2 People that also Want a way to Earn Free Groceries. And You help those 2 people, Refer 2 People, and Cycle! Get Paid Cash and $200 in Groceries!

4. Every time you cycle, you can trade your $200 grocery voucher for a $200 Walmart gift card. You’ll also receive $300 Cash, and You Get another $200 Grocery Voucher and be placed in another business center again. This happens over and over again, every time you cycle.

5. The more people you personally sponsor into “MPB Today”, the more often you will “cycle”. You could cycle several times a month, several times a week, even several times a day! There is no question that in these financial times people are having a tough time making ends meet. 

Can you see the potential that could have with your local church?  The ability to help people help people!!!  I LOVE IT.  I personally have cycled out and made about $2000 in TWO Weeks!!!  AND I get FREE GROCERIES via the Walmart card.

So, “MPB Today”, has provided an incredible opportunity, to provide us with a way to cut one of the biggest expenses we have, “Groceries”. We all have to EAT, which makes this product, a No-Brainer. So, How would you like to Get Paid, just by Referring others to this Incredible Business Opportunity, and showing them how they can earn Free Groceries too. This is a very unique and appealing opportunity, and those that join quickly, will be seriously compensated, as “MPB Today” starts attracting many people looking to save money on their groceries, and make money working from home. This is Truly a Win-Win Opportunity for Everyone! 

Scott Bland

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