Friday, September 3, 2010

Nutraloaf, the Prison Food for Misbehaving Inmates

Some prisons in the US are trying a new method to deal with unruly prisoners: Nutraloaf. It replaces normal meals, and is apparently remarkably effective at bringing the prisoners in question back into docility.

Here's what's in it: "Packed with protein, fat, carbohydrates, and 1,110 calories, Nutraloaf contains everything from carrots and cabbage to kidney beans and potatoes, plus shadowy ingredients such as “dairy blend” and “mechanically separated poultry.” You purée everything into a paste, shape it into a loaf, and bake it for 50 to 70 minutes at 375 degrees."

Several prisoners have sued over Nutraloaf, on the grounds of Cruel and Unusual Punishment, but none have succeeded. The thing about Nutraloaf is it's not cruel, just way unusual.

Here's a follow-up:
(original link in post title)

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