Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I read this awesome blog Hanzi Smatter, which is... well, you can see for yourself, but it shows strange Chinese tattoos Westerners get (apparently it's quite 风行 to get a Chinese tattoo) and character misuse in general. It's hard to imagine someone would get a tattoo without at least trying to find out what it means, but...

Anyway, these two are my personal favourites (courtesy of the aforementioned blog) :

This tattoo says is a 成语 (see the 成语接龙 post) that literally translates as "there is no evil [that I] will not do."

As for the below, it's from a TV show, "CSI: NY."
The Chinese translates as:
"Vigour and liberation bar
Fresh meat fresh
Vigour and liberation bar"
(bar as in an alcoholic bar)

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