Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dog Trapped in Hot Car Honks to Alert Owner

Two days ago in Pennsylvania, a (horribly negligent!) man accidentally left his chocolate Lab in the car for an hour on a 32˚C (90˚F) day. The dog, uncomfortable from overheating, honked the car's horn to get attention.

From the article (click on the post title) :

She said Max's owner had gone shopping and was unloading packages when she returned but forgot that Max was still in the car. She later heard the horn honking and looked outside several times but saw nothing amiss. Finally, she went outside and saw Max sitting in the driver's seat, honking the horn.

Thankfully, the dog is OK. Man, dogs are smart. Labs have a reputation for being dumb as wood, though. Not all of 'em, I guess.


  1. My family's first dog was a purebred golden retriever. Wonderful dog, but dumb as wood. The mixed breeds we adopted from the shelter were smarter, though smart dogs also tend to be bigger troublemakers.

  2. Did you disable your facebook? Also: we're majoring in the same thing.
