Tuesday, July 6, 2010

成语 of the Day (and 成语接龙)

www.chinese-tools.com, which is supposed to be a pretty decent website for studying Chinese (I use the MDBG online dictionary for my computer and 请问 for iPhone, though) , has a new 成语 each day. Good for building up your vocab for intense games of 成语接龙。

成语接龙,in case you don't know, is a really fun, really hard game where each person in turn has to say a 成语 that starts with the previous person's last character's pronunciation. If you're being really strict, you have to adhere to tone, too. Adhering to character is basically impossible to continue for more than just a few turns. For example, part of a game would be 杀鸡儆猴 -- 厚德载物 -- 无法无天 -- 天长地久 -- 酒虎诗龙 -- 龙舞凤飞。

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