Saturday, July 10, 2010

DVD Blurbs in China

When my dad and I saw these at the local DVD 商店,we couldn't resist buying them:

Once The Terror And Violence Actually Begin (which Doesn't Happen Until The Lsat Third Of The Movie No Less) It Goes Way Downhill. For One, It Was Marketed As A Torture Movie, But There Is Barely Any Of It! Sure, There's A Brutal Killing Here And There, But When It Came To Gore, This Film Was Very Tame. Second ,the Cinematography In During The Night Scenes Was Awful, With The Chase Scenes And Violence Barely Viewable. You Could Not Tell What Was Happening On Screen, And All Of The vIewers Of The Film Were Lost With What Was Going On. Third, The Last Third Was Extremely Predictable. You Could Tell Who Was Going To Die And When. The Main Villain (who Ironically Looks Like The President Of Iran) Is Not Well Drawn Out, And The Climax" Of The Film Is Pitiful.

Here's the Chinese blurb, which is a description of parts of the plot. That is, nothing like the English.

About the struggle between the Roman Empire and its rebellious conquest Judaea, and two best friends caught in a terrible moment in history. The cast is absolutely awful, not on character seems to fit (mesala was perhaps the only good choice) and discolored curly hair is ridiculous in an antic set up. Lucia Jimenez, who plays Athene, is probably the worst actress I've ever seen, every single line of her dialogs were painful other and almost made you feel bad for her.